Monday, October 26, 2009

Isn't This Sweet?

Let me state right away that I did NOT make this beautiful card. One of my sweet customers sent it to me for Halloween! I love it so much I just had to share it with everyone. Isn't that sweet? Thanks V.!

I also have some other fun stuff to share today - links to the wonders I find while trolliing the internet instead of doing housework. LOL. (Honey, if you're reading this - I did do housework today). Be sure to check out these fun finds!

Click here to see an awesome paper storage idea.

How many of you remember your mom carrying one of these beauties - or maybe it was just my mom. LOL.

I have several of these wonderful little pendants - and I want more!

If you love cake you MUST visit this awesome cake website. Be sure to explore!

That's all for today, folks! I'm still getting over this yucky cold and thanking my lucky stars it wasn't the flu! I hope you're all having a great Monday!

Sue :o)

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