Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My Heart Hurts Today....

No card today - I'm too sad to do anything. I had to put my cat Cleo down today. God blessed me with her fiesty little presence for over 17 years and while I'm hurting so much right now - I know I did the right thing and soon enough my heart will catch up with my logic. I'll get back to making cards in a few days I'm sure. In the meantime - God bless!
Sue :o(


  1. Sue, I am so sorry for the loss of your furry friend. I know how much it hurts and so I will say a prayer you will find the comfort you need.
    Know you are being cared about today...

  2. Oh Sue,
    I am so sorry, my heart goes out to you. They are our babies, and it hurts somthing terrible, I know- but you did the right thing. Lots of love sent your way. xOxO deb
